Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fellowship at Cross Creek

Branson, MO

Tonight we played in at a church in Branson. From the minute we arrived is was obvious that this would be a cool church to play at. It was out in a rural part of town and it from the outside it had the appearance of a log cabin. Inside it had all the comforts of home. The staff and congregation were great. They were very accommodating which made for a great night. This was our first show since the end of September and, man, it was good to be back. The show went well and afterwards we were able to meet a lot of first time FJ concert goers, which is always fun. We have a practice date set up for tomorrow, then we will leave for Michigan at the end of the week.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Club Atomic

Ft. Payne, AL

Tonight we played in Ft. Payne Alabama. It was a small room which made for a very cool atmosphere. This is the third time the band has played here and my first time. Everyone in the church absolutely loves the band so obviously they took very good care of us while we were there. This morning we played for the main sunday morning service's praise and worship. Its always good to take a few minutes and completely abandon yourself in the presence of God. Tomorrow we will head back to Nashville on our way back to Springfield. Our next concert is in Branson towards the middle of October. Our first Branson show!!!! We should open a theatre! Or at least get some sparkling outfits...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Rock Stars Fell on Alabama....well sort of

(Mark Hall from Casting Crowns)

Huntsville, AL

Tonight was another very cool night. We were the third band out of four to play at the Big Spring Jam in Huntsville. The fourth band in the lineup was an up and coming band called Casting Crowns. God continues to amaze me at the things he does in my life. This was one of those nights. We very rarely get to play this late in this type of line up. It was an outdoor event and the weather could not have been better. By the time we took the stage the sun had gone down and the stage lighting looked amazing. There were probably about 1500-2000 people at the event. During our first song Nick's (the electric guitar player) amp went out on him. The song ends with a guitar solo, but unfortunately it didn't tonight. Fortunately one of the other band's guitar player was watching and helped Nick make a quick recovery. Overall it was a great show, the audience was very responsive, and the promoters were very organized. To make the day even more interesting I found out that Boyz II Men were staying in the hotel room right across the hall from mine. I didn't even know that they were still doing music. Next we are on to Fort Payne, Alabama to play at Club Atomic.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Second Baptist Church

Springfield, MO

Well the night finally arrived. Tonight was the big night that we were filming for the live dvd. We spent most of yesterday and today gearing up for the show. We had several people outside of the band helping make the dvd a success. A big thanks to Brad, Chris, Easton, Andrew and Carrie for coming out and using their talents to help the band tonight. The video for tonight should be finished sometime within the next month of so. Second Baptist was a great host church. They were very accommodating and made the video project go smoothly. The pictures I have posted for this gig were taken by Carrie Stewart.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Missouri State University

Springfield, MO

Tonight we played at a FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) rally on the campus of Missouri State University. This was a unique gig because we played on a baseball field located next to a soccer field and a volleyball court. As we played there were games going on all around us. While Jonas gave a devotion everyone focused in and continued throughout the rest of the service. I played with a smaller drum kit tonight which made the big ending on the blues song interesting. We were invited to play at this service through Second Baptist Church here in Springfield where we will play on Friday night. Paul, our sound guy, and I are getting everything ready to shoot a live dvd on friday night. It should be exciting.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

North Shore Assembly of God

Malden, Mass

Today we played at North Shore Assembly of God for their sunday morning service and an afternoon concert. The church was having a Labor day family cookout that afternoon. Due to the weather the concert was moved back inside the church. Keenon, our new bass player did a great job for just his second show out with us. On our way to the church we drove through Boston. This was my first time to see this historical city. I can't wait to come back and spend a few days there. Tomorrow we will get up and head back to Springfield to get ready for Friday night's show.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Uxbridge Nazarene Church

Uxbridge, MA

Man, its great to be back out on the road. We have had just about a month off and I don't think I realized how much i missed this. This show was the first show with our new bass player. He did really well for his first show. We played another new song from the upcoming album. For the Wood's brothers this was sort of a hometown gig. The energy of that type of show was definitely there. Next stop: Malden (Boston), Mass.