Friday, August 18, 2006

Writing for the New Album

An Undisclosed Location in Springfield, MO (ha!)

We are off of the road for a couple of weeks to be able to work on material for the new album. So far we have about 15 songs that we have in mind for the cd. Ideally we will have about 20-25 at the end of this process so that we have a good selection for the final cd tracklisting. We are planning on being in the studio for the first couple of weeks in October. A studio has yet to be decided upon, but that should be taken care of in the next couple of weeks.

The first weekend in September has us back out in New England. On September 8 & 9 we will be back here in Springfield to play at a back to school college event for Second Baptist Church.

As always the rest of the band and I appreciate your prayers for our travels in addition to the whole recording project. More than a commercial success we want this album to reach people where they are. It is undeniable that music is a very powerful tool. We hope that God will use this music to speak into the hearts of those that hear it, and ultimately to draw them closer to Him.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

SoulFest '06 New Hampshire

SoulFest 2006 Guilford, New Hampshire

Today was very very exciting. From arriving in New Hampshire for the first time only to discover that the gig was at a ski slope (which makes it even better!) to finding out that we get to ride the ski lifts for free, i knew this was going to be a good day. Oh yeah and not to mention that we would be playing on the same stage that both Jars of Clay and MercyMe were be playing on only a couple of hours after we were finished, was kind of the icing on the already sweet cake. from looking at the stage it seems that someone found where they were hiding all of the cool lights... After we played we met some very cool people. one of which was jena lee from the blood:water mission organization. this organization is doing some great things in africa. you can check them out at as always thank you for your prayers for the band. they are greatly appreciated.